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来源:《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》杂志编辑部 2016年02月26日



  •  输入型增长:俄罗斯经济困局探源(程伟)
  •  俄罗斯经济结构调整趋向分析(唐朱昌)
  •  中俄对外能源政策及两国能源合作互利分析(徐洪峰)
  •  乌克兰危机下俄欧能源关系与能源合作:基础、挑战与前景(李扬)
  •  《乌兹别克斯坦共和国竞争法》评析(马幸荣)


  •  世界多极化趋势的加强与中俄关系(郑羽)
  •  乌克兰危机发生前后的俄日关系(王宪举)
  •  21世纪以来俄罗斯与澳大利亚关系的发展(王海滨)


  •  试析20世纪20年代若干欧洲国家对俄国难民的政策(郝葵)
  •  德意志人在俄罗斯的百年沧桑——以人口迁移为视角(王晓菊)
  •  多元分化与跨国生存选择:入境俄罗斯的中国人口结构分析(王祎)

      [综 述] 

  •  俄罗斯庆祝卫国战争胜利70周年综述(李世辉)

      [简 讯] 

  •  首届俄罗斯东欧中亚研究前沿论坛在京召开 


  •  《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》注释通例
  •  SUMMARY(英文摘要)
  •   Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies 

      A Bimonthly 

      Number 5 2015 



      Imported Growth: Review of Russia's Economic Woes  Cheng Wei(1)

      Trend of Russia's Economy Structure Adjustment  Tang Zhuchang(8)

      Foreig Energy Policies of China and Russia and Energy Cooperation between the Two Nations  Xu Hongfeng(14)

      Energy Cooperation between Russia and the EU in the Context of Ukrainian Crisis: Foundation,Prospects and Challenges  Li Yang(21)

      Introduction to Competition law of the republic of Uzbekistan  Ma Xingrong(32)

      Bilateral Relations 

      The Strengthening of World Multi-Polarization Trend and Sino-Russia Relations  Zheng Yu(41)

      Relations between Russia and Japan under the Background of Ukrainian Crisis  Wang Xianju(46)

      The Development of Relations between Russia and the Australia since the 21st Century  Wang Haibing(55)

      Population Migration

      The Policies towards Russian Refugees by Some European Countries in the 1920's  Hao Kui(62)

      Ethnic Germans Vicissitudes in Russia for Past One Hundred Years  Wang Xiaoju(74)

      Multiple Differentiation and Cross-Border Survival Choice: Structural Analysis of Chinese Population migrating into Russia  Wang Yi(80)


      Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War in Russia  Li Shihui(89)