CASS Forum: The- 3rd China-CEEC Forum
From 16+1 Cooperation to One Belt One Road Initiative:
主办单位: 中国社会科学院、上海大学
Organizers: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Shanghai University
Sponsors: Institute of Russian,East European and Central Asian Studies,Chinese Acaemy of Social Sciences
Public Diplomacy Institute of Shanghai Cooperation Organization,Shanghai University
Shanghai Film Academy,Shanghai University
Date: October 21-22,2016 Shanghai
2016年10月21日 星期五 会议地点:上海大学宝山校区国际会议中心 | |
8: 30~9: 00 | 会议代表签到 |
9: 00~9: 50 开幕式 主持人:孙力 | 中国社会科学院国际合作局局长王镭致辞 |
上海大学党委副书记、副校长徐旭致辞 | |
波兰前驻华大使、波兰社会科学与人文大学教授孔凡致辞 | |
中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所所长李永全致辞 | |
上海大学上海电影学院党委书记王晴川致辞 | |
9: 50~10: 10 | 合影及茶歇 |
10:1O~12: 00 主持人:孙力 (要求每位发言不超过10分钟) | 议题一:中国与中东欧:历史与现实 |
l、马细谱:中国中东欧研究中几个值得关注的问题 | |
2、伊万·巴尔巴里奇:代顿协议签署20年后的东南欧一一当前发展趋势与合作潜力 | |
3、陈犀禾:中国与中东欧:电影创作与海外传播 | |
4、朱晓中:中国与中东欧关系发展的阶段和特点 | |
5、尤拉伊·马鲁夏克:2010年以来中欧地区政治形势的变化:保守主义大翻转 | |
6、严宁请:中国与中东欧国家的政党合作 | |
7、鲍利斯·古西列托夫:危机时期中东欧国家政党和政治体制转型 | |
8、苗华寿:对中波关系演进的几点分析和1建议 | |
9、理查德·卡尔帕奇:捷克与中同双边关系的历史和现实 | |
主持人:孔凡 | 讨论(20分钟,每人发言3-4分钟〕 |
l2: OO~13: 30 | 午餐(乐乎新楼餐厅) |
13: 30~15: 50 主持人:高歌 (要求每位发言不超过10分钟) | 议题二:“16+1”合作:政治、经济与文化 |
1、赵金龙:我国“一带一路”FTA战略的路径选择研究 | |
2、维勒姆·塞梅拉克:“16+1”中16国的相似与差异 | |
3、孔凡君:差异、互补同中国与中东欧国家的“精准”合作 | |
4、周东耀:中东欧在实施“一带一路”过程中的欧盟等国素 | |
5、王洪起:打造中欧陆海快线陆海连接地段将而面临的挑战和未知因素 | |
6、刘海泉:中东欧国家投资的政治风险以及中国的应对 | |
7、杜什科·迪米特里耶维奇:中东欧国家和中国的“16+1”合作机制与中国在塞尔维亚的投资 | |
8、玛丽安娜·马林诺娃:中国在保加利亚投资一一-幻象与现实 | |
9、崔宏伟:“16+1”合作与中波关系 | |
10、白伊维:中克关系及其“16+1”合作框架下的发展前景 | |
11、刘骞:试论中国与中东欧的跨界地区治理机制及其逻辑一一以“16+1”与“V4+”的比较为个案 | |
l2、贾瑞霞:“16+1”地方合作述评 | |
主持人:尤拉伊·马鲁夏克 | 讨论(时钟,每人发言3-4分钟) |
15: 50~16: 00 | 茶歇 |
16: OO~18: 20 主持人:曲春景 (要求每位发言不超过10分钟) | 议题二: “16+1”合作:政治、经济与文化 |
1、赵刚:文学交流一一中国一中东欧合作不应被遗忘的领域 | |
2、孔凡:中国文化在波兰 | |
3、黄立茀:拓展文化外交 夯实“一带一路”基础一一以前波兰驻中国大使孔凡文化外交活动为个案(2000—2016) | |
4、蔡梦灵:中波文化交流:百闻不如一见 | |
5、林少雄:“一带一路”的文化意蕴 | |
6、李嘉珊:文化贸易:“一带一路”战略实施中的先导链和压舱石 | |
7、宋黎磊:中国对中东欧国家人文外交的新格局 | |
8、陈逢华:动荡与重建:新时期的阿尔巴尼亚电影 | |
9、李艳红:“一带一路”背景下的波兰语言政策与规划研究 | |
10、托特·安德拉什:匈牙利转型进程的教训:养老金制度的难以承受之重和可持续的市场经济问题 | |
11、孙帮俊:罗马尼亚的医疗保障制度改革探析 | |
12、那传林:2014年乌克兰危机后波兰和俄罗斯关系的问题和前景 | |
主持人:伊万·巴尔巴里奇 | 讨论(20分钟,每人发言3-4分钟) |
18: 20 | 晚餐(乐乎新楼餐厅) |
2016年10月22日 星期六 会议地点:上海大学宝山校区乐乎楼二号楼学海厅 | |
9: OO~1O: 00 主持人:李少捷 (要求每位发言不超过10分钟) | 议题三: “16+1”合作与“一带一路”建设 |
1、杨烨:“16+1”合作机制对“一带一路”建设的借鉴之评析 | |
2、哈伊达尔·穆内卡:“一带一路”及其面临的挑战 | |
3、王雅梅:“16+1”合作发展对“一带一路”建设的几点启示 | |
4、姜琍:对“一带一路”背景下“16+1”合作的几点思考 | |
5、理查德·图尔恰尼:“16+1”平台上的中国一中东欧合作及其在"一带一路"倡议中的角色 | |
6、高歌:“16+1”与“一带一路”关系探析 | |
10: 00~1O: 10 | 茶歇 |
10:10~11: 40 | 议题三: “16+1”合作与“一带一路”建设 |
主持人:杨烨 | l、张迎红:欧盟的亚洲地区战略与“一带一路”倡议之间的对接 |
(要求每位发言不超过10分钟) | 2、奇普里安·斯特内斯库:新丝路上的趋同:在全球战略竞争和共享利益之间 |
3、韩爽:FDT对“一带一路”沿线国家经济增长影响的实证研究 | |
4、梅德明:“一带一路”倡议中地方政府的角色 | |
5、戴勇斌:“一带一路”建设呼唤功能性国际经济中心城市 | |
6、山建军:“一带一路”背景下的保加利亚 | |
7、赵会荣:白俄罗斯与:“一带一路” | |
主持人:杜什科·迪米特里耶娃奇 | 讨论(20分钟,每人发言3-4分钟) |
11: 40~12: 00
大会总结暨闭幕式 主持人:张恒龙
| 中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所所长李永全 |
阿尔巴尼亚前驻华大使晗伊达尔·穆内卡 | |
12: 00 | 午餐(乐乎新楼餐厅) |
CASS Forum: The 3rd China-CEEC Forum
From 16+1 Cooperation to One Belt One Road Initiative:
Date: 21 October 2016 Venue: International Conference Center,Baoshan Campus,Shanghai University | |
8: 30~9: 00 | Registration |
9: 00~9: 50 Opening Ceremony Chair: Sun Li | Wang Lei,Director of the Bureau of Intemational Cooperation,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences |
Xu Xu,Deputy Director of Shanghai University | |
Ksawery Burski,Former Polish Ambassador to China,Professor of University of Social Sciences and Humanities | |
Li Yongquan,Director of Institute of Russian,East European and Central Asian Studies,CASS | |
Wang Qingchuan,Party Secretary of Shanghai Film Academy,Shanghai University | |
9: 50~10: 10 | Group Photo and Tea Break |
10:1O~12: 00 Chair: Sun Li (10 minutes for each speaker) | Session 1: China and Central and East European Countries: History and Reality |
1.Ma Xipu, Sevenit Concerned Questions in the CEE Studies in China | |
2.Ivan Barbalic, Southeast Europe (20 years after the Dayton Peace Agreement) : Addressing Current Trends and Pot巳ntial for Cooperation | |
3.Chen Xihe, China and CEE: Film Creation and Overseas Dissemination | |
4.Zhu Xiaozhong, Phases and Characteristics of the Development of China-CEE Relations | |
5.Juraj Marusiak,Central Europe-Conservative Turn-over. Changes of the Political Landscape in the Region since 2010 | |
6.Yan Yuqing Party Cooperation Between China and CEEC | |
7.Boris Guseletov The Transformation of Party and Political System in the Central and Eastern European Countries in the Period of Crisis | |
8.Miao Huashou Some Analysis and Suggestions on the Evolution of Sino-Polish Relations | |
9. RidJard Krpac Relations Between China and the Czech Republic: History and Reality | |
Chair: Ksawery Burski | Discussion (3-4 minutes for each speaker,20 minutes in total) |
12: 00~13: 30 | Lunch |
13: 30~15: 50 Chair: Gao Ge (10 minutes for each speaker) | Session 2: 16+1 Cooperation: Politics,Economy,Culture |
1.Zhao Jinlong The Path Selection of China's FTA Strategy in the context of One Belt One Road Initiative | |
2. Vilem Semerak The 16 of 16+1: How Similar and Different The Really Are? | |
3.Kong Fanjun Differences and Complementary and Accurate Cooperation Between China and CEEC | |
4. Zhou Dongyao The European tbion and Other Factors in the Process of CEEC's Implementation of One Belt One Road Initiative | |
5.Wang Hongqi Challenges and Unpredictable Factors in Building Land-Sea Connection Area of China-Europe Land-Sea Express Routes | |
6.Liu Haiquan PoliticalRisks of Investment in CEEC and China's Response | |
7.Dusko Dimitrijevic CEEC-China 16+1 Mechanism of Cooperation and Chinese Investments in Serbia | |
8.Mariana Malinova Tian Chinese Investments in Bulgaria - Illusion or Reality? | |
9.Cui Hongwei 16+1 Cooperation and Sino-Polish Relations | |
10.Bakota Ivica Sino-Croatian Relations,Prospects of Cooperation Within 16+1 Framework | |
11.Liu Qian On Regional Governance Mechanism Between China and Visegrad Group's Programs: Comparative Perspectives of Regional Cooperation Frameworks Between "16+1" and "V4+" | |
l2.Jia Ruixia Review on 16+1 Regional Cooperation | |
Chair: Juraj Marusiak | Discussion (3-4 minutes for each speaker,20 minutes in total) |
I5: 50~16: 00 | Tea Break |
16: 00~18: 20 Qu Chunjing (lO minutes for each speaker) | Session 2: 16+1 Cooperation: Politics,Economy,Culture |
1.Zhao Gang Literature Communication: A Field that Should not be Forgo忧en in China-CEE Cooperation | |
2.Ksawery Burski The Chinese Culture in Poland | |
3.Huang Lifu Expanding Cultural Diplomacy and Consolidating the Base ofOne Belt One Road Initiative: A Case Study of the Cultural Diplomacy Activities of Mr. Ksawery Burski,the Former Polish Ambassador in China(2000-20 16) | |
4.Magdalena Czechonska The Cultural Communication Between China and Poland | |
5.Lin Shaoxiong The Cultural Implication of One Belt One Road Initiative | |
6.Li Jiashan Cultural Trade: the Leading Strand and Ballast in the Implementation of One Belt One Road Initiative | |
7.Song Lilei New Patterns of China's Cultural Diplomacy in CEEC | |
8.Chen Fenghua Turmoil and Reconstruction: Albanian Movies in the New Era | |
9.Li Yanhong A Research of Language Policies and Planning in Poland in the Context of the One Belt One Road Initiative | |
10.Toth Andras Lessons from the Hungarian Transformation Process: The Sweet Unbearable Burden of the Pension System and the Problem of Sustainable Market Economy | |
11.Sun Bangjun An Analysis of Romanian Health Care Reform | |
12.Na Chuanlin Reality and Prospect of Relationships Between Poland and Russia after Ukraine Crisis 2014 | |
Chair: Ivan Barbalic | Discussion (3-4 minutes for each speaker,20 minutes in total) |
18: 20 | Dinner |
Date: 22 October 2016 Venue: Xuehai Hall,New Lehu Building,Baoshan Campus,Shanghai University | |
9: OO~1O: 00 Chair: Li Shaojie (lO minutes for each speaker) | Session 3: 16+1 Cooperation and One Belt One Road Initiative |
1.Yang Ye 16+1 Cooperation's Lessons for One Belt One Road Initiative | |
2.Hajdar Muneka One Belt One Road Initiative and its Challenges | |
3.Wang Yamei SeveralEnlightenments to One Belt One Road Initiative from 16+1 Cooperation | |
4.Jiang Li SeveralThoughts about 16+ I Cooperation in the Context of the One Belt One Road Initiative | |
5.Richard Turcsanyi China-CEE Cooperation in the 16+1 Platform and its Role in On巳Belt One Road Initiative | |
6.Gao Ge Relations Between 16+ I Cooperation and One Belt One Road Initiative | |
l0: OO~IO: 10 | Tea Break |
10:1O~1l: 40 Chair: Yang Ye (lO minutes for each speaker) | Session 3: 16+1 Cooperation and One Belt One Road Initiative |
1.Zhang Yinghong The Synergy Between the EU's Asian Strategy and One Belt One Road Initiative | |
2.Ciprian Stanescu Convergence on the New ?Silk Road: Between Global Strategic Competition and Shared Interests | |
3.Han Shuang An Empirical Research of FDI Impact on Economic Growth of Countries Along One Belt One Road | |
4.Dominik Mierzejewski The Role of Local Governments in One Belt One Road Proposal | |
5.Dai Yongbin One Belt One Road Initiative Calls for Functional International Economic Center Cities | |
6.Tian Jianjun Bulgaria in the Context of One Belt One Road Initiative | |
7.Zhao Huirong Belarus and One Belt One Road Initiative | |
Chair: Dusko Dimitrijevic | Discussion (3-4 minutes for each speaker, 20 minutes in total) |
11: 40~12: 00
Conclusion and Closing Ceremony Chair: Zhang Henglong
| Li Yongquan,Director ofInstitute of Russian,East European and Central Asian Stndies,CASS |
Hajdar Muneka, Former Albanian Ambassador to China | |
12: 00 | Lunch |
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