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Deepen the Meaning of Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership of Coordination
Xing Guangcheng 来源:CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES·September/October 2011 2016年01月27日

  After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Sino-Russian relations traversed a course of nearly 20 years — from “mutually friendly countries” to a “constructive partnership” to a “strategic partnership of coordination” — forming very mature and stable bilateral relations. Based on this historical experience, China and Russia have developed close cooperation in the political, economic, scientific and technological, cultural and international affairs fields, gradually shaping the major principles, basic spirit and strategic framework of their bilateral relations and making a series of remarkable achievements. Looking into the future, it will remain important for the Chinese and Russian governments and people to maintain a long-term friendly, cooperative, equal and trusting strategic partnership of coordination.

  I. Fully Understand the Strategic Value and Guiding Significance of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation 

  The Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation (referred to hereafter as the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation) is a major event in the history of the development of Sino-Russian relations. This year marking the tenth anniversary of the signing of the treaty, the Chinese and Russian heads of state have issued a joint statement to positively evaluate and fully affirm it. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev holds that the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation is based on the centuries of tradition of mutual exchanges between the two countries which surely includes the positive experience of our current interactions. In the legal dimension, the treaty stipulates that the new-quality ties remain the direction of long-term development of bilateral relations. In fact, the development of Sino-Russian relations in the ten years from 1992 to 2001 made full preparations for the signature of the treaty and laid a solid foundation for its continuation. On this basis, abiding by the universally recognized norms of international law, the treaty serves as the summing up and confirmation of the steady development of Sino-Russian relations in this period, an international legal document and guideline for their current bilateral ties that embodies the idea and interest of good-neighborliness and friendship between the two nations.

  Along with the continued development of Sino-Russian relations, the two heads of state of China and Russia set forth for the first time the new concept of the “Sino-Russian relations mode” in their joint statement on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation and identified “equal and mutually-trusted strategic partnership of coordination” as the mode of Sino-Russian relations. This indicates that “equal and mutually-trusted strategic partnership of coordination” will be the direction of the long-term development and basic intention of their bilateral relations. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ravrov believes that the mode of Sino-Russian relations is a model for bilateral relations and that “taking the treaty as the basis, Russia and China have established the best mode for relations between countries, functioning effectively and developing and changing with new content.”

  The two heads of state noted in the joint statement that Sino-Russian relations are not ideology-oriented. Instead, they are relations featuring equality and mutual trust, recognition of territorial integrity, respect for each other’s interests and social systems, non-interference in internal affairs, mutual support on the issues of core interest such as sovereignty, security, development and international engagement. This treaty is a programmatic and fundamental document guiding the future development of Sino-Russian relations.

  In the first decade after signing the treaty, Sino-Russian relations witnessed substantial development and the governments and peoples of the two countries benefited from the treaty. It may be forecast that the second decade after the treaty was signed will offer new opportunities for further development of Sino-Russian relations. No matter how the international situation alters, so long as both China and Russia adhere to the principles enshrined in the treaty and continue implementing its provisions, Sino-Russian relations will march forward on a steady track. For this purpose, the two heads of state set forth a five-point proposal. Together, they will strive to constantly increase mutual trust and take the development of Sino-Russian relations as one of priorities on their diplomatic agenda; deepen bilateral practical cooperation in an all-round manner; lay a solid social and popular foundation for the further development of Sino-Russian relations in the national and social dimensions; expand and deepen exchanges and cooperation between the militaries of the two countries and enhance the traditional friendship between the two militaries; further develop the close coordination in the international and regional affairs and make unremitting efforts to push for the establishment of a harmonious world.

  The Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation is of extremely important value and realistic significance. The most important value of the treaty lies in the fact that it is the most egalitarian treaty in the history of Sino-Russian relations — all the provisions embody a spirit of equality and the treaty stipulates the basic framework and elements that ensure equal relations between the two nations. The equal and mutually beneficial spirit bestows upon the treaty important legal and practical values. The nature of the treaty determines that Sino-Russian relations are strategic and long-term ties, which are a major stabilizing factor in the present international context.

  In order to better implement the strategic framework and basic principles set forth in the treaty, President Hu Jintao explicitly made the proposal of “five partnerships” during his visit to Russia in March 2007. This proposal assures that China and Russia will be partners in political cooperation, partners in mutually-beneficial and win-win economic and trade cooperation, commonly innovative partners in scientific and technological cooperation, harmonious and friendly partners in cultural cooperation, and partners in security cooperation. In the same year, the Chinese and Russian heads of state stated explicitly in their joint statement that China and Russia would enhance their mutual trust and bolster cooperation in the political field; bolster cooperation in the economic arena and deepen cooperation in the scientific, technological and peopleto-people and cultural fields; develop closer coordination and boost cooperation in the security field. The five partnerships advanced by President Hu Jintao and the five aspects emphasized in the joint statement by the two heads of state make up the key dimensions for the development of Sino-Russian relations in the future as well as five important aspects for all-round implementation of the treaty.

  In order to better carry out the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, the two countries earnestly formulated the implementation outline of the treaty. This marked a historical advancement in bilateral ties. The Russian ambassador to China, Sergey Razov, is of the view that one of important factors for the successful implementation of the treaty is the four-year implementation outline adopted by high-ranking political leaders on both sides. The purposes, principles and spirit of the treaty run through the implementation outline which brought about new developments at all the levels of bilateral relations. The implementation outline increased the strength of bilateral relations, broadened and heightened their scale, making their development an all-round one. The first-phase tasks of the implementation outline have already been accomplished and the two nations are now carrying out the implementation segment for 2009-2012.

  The treaty should be implemented not only through governmental efforts, but also by means of active participation from the peoples of the two countries. For the purpose of expanding the channels of exchange between the two nations’ populations, China and Russia, through the sponsorship of “country years” and “language years”, make efforts to enhance mutual trust and spread people-to-people friendship, which is of important and realistic significance to consolidating and expanding the social foundation of Sino-Russian relations. Sino-Russian cooperation in education, culture, public health, sports, tourism, media, film, historical and other areas indicates the macro trend of their bilateral ties. It is a major prerequisite for pushing ahead with the development of Sino-Russian relations to consolidate the social and mass foundations of Sino-Russian relations. At the invitation of President Hu Jintao, 500 Russian primary and high school students came to China to take part in summer camps in 2010. The event was successfully repeated during the summer of 2011. These measures will cultivate more people on both within both countries who will be dedicated to the Sino-Russian friendship.

  China and Russia continually conduct cooperation in the international arena and the two countries repeatedly issue joint statements on major international issues and jointly expound their basic views the establishment of a new international order. On July 29, 2011, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Chinese ambassador Li Hui exchanged views on the situation in West Asia and North Africa, particularly in Libya and Syria. The two sides discovered that their two countries had identical positions on the regional issues in dispute. The two countries jointly want to ensure that the United Nations plays an important role. The two nations should foster more

  coordination and interactions in multilateral mechanisms, for example, playing a more active role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and promoting the Organization with Central Asian countries and launching more cooperation

  in multilateral platforms such as the Sino-Russian-India cooperation mechanism, the BRIC cooperation mechanism and the East Asia Summit.

  II. The Extreme Importance of Maintaining Sincerity and Mutual Trust 

  From the outset, Sino-Russian relations have been based on sound political interactions. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Sino-Russian relations not only bore the long-term orientation of their bilateral relationship, but also impacted to a certain extent the development and changes of the global structure. In this sense, the Joint Statement on the Foundation of Mutual Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation signed on December 18, 1992 played a very important role. Currently, some scholars are concerned only with the evaluation of bilateral relations in which the document pronounced that China and Russia “see each other as friendly countries”. In fact, this diplomatic document contains very rich content and its definition of accuracy on issues of bilateral relations was extensive. We cannot afford to downgrade the evaluation of the development of the bilateral relations in this period simply because of the definition of the nature of “friendly countries”. Actually, the two nations stressed in the document that they would “elevate their bilateral relations to a new level and further consolidate and develop them, a goal that is in the fundamental interest of the peoples of the two countries and conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and the world.” The document advanced numerous new suggestions and ideas to enhance their cooperation in the political field, laying a sound foundation for the further development of bilateral political relations. In 1994, China and Russia held that their bilateral relations “already constitute a new type of constructive partnership,” one in which the two sides are entirely equal, friendly, and cooperative on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence which are neither aligned nor targeted at any third country. The document advanced four famous principles for bilateral relations which constituted their foundation in the future. In 1996, Sino-Russian relations developed into a “strategic partnership of coordination of equality, trust and oriented to the 21st century”—a great stride forward in their political relations. The Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, which was signed in 2001, put these basic principles of bilateral relations into legal form.

  The two countries have gradually developed into “friends for generations and never enemies” in the process of long-term friendly cooperation, which is the ideological foundation of bilateral strategic cooperation. It is the common consensus of the two governments and peoples that the two nations will be good neighbors, great friends and devoted partners forever.

  An important feature of Sino-Russian political relations is that they not be based on ideology. On this issue, both China and Russia respect the path that the other side has chosen for its political, economic, social and cultural development. From the outset, the two countries reached a consensus the differences in social system and views between the two nations would not hinder the development of their relations in various areas. The two nations also held that in political relations, the domestic characteristics of the two countries should be taken into consideration and the right to freely choose their respective development paths should be mutually respected. The two countries should brief each other on their own reform theories and practices. This consensus has been practically applied, with the Communist Party of China and the Party of United Russia frequently exchanging experiences in governing their countries and solving the problems of reform and development.

  The strategic strong points of Sino-Russian relations are that China supports the policies of the Russian Federation on preserving its national unity and territorial integrity, while Russia supports the Chinese side in its policies of maintaining national unity and territorial integrity. This is a fundamental principle in the long-term development of the political relations between the two countries. It is important for Sino-Russian strategic relations that both sides to support each other in matters related to their core interests, such as national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

  China and Russia have worked hard to improve and strengthen the treaty and legal foundation for their bilateral relations. The two countries’ legislative and relevant departments have established frequent contacts and cooperation and deepened mutual understanding. Both sides have taken effective measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the other country’s people when they are in the territory of the other country, providing necessary judiciary assistance in civil and criminal matters. It is essential for the central legislative and law enforcement departments to have exchanges and cooperation which are in conformity with the general trend of the development of their bilateral relations.

  The enhancement of mutual trust has remained a priority for the sustained development of Sino-Russian relations, benefiting both nations immensely. In the future development of their bilateral relations, the statesmen and people of the two countries should adhere to the principle of sincerity and mutual trust and continue to consolidate the political foundation of their bilateral relations. Only through the constant boosting of mutual political trust can the development of Sino-Russian strategic partnership of coordination continue to serve as the driving force of their bilateral relations. In view of a complex and volatile international situation, the rapid developments of China and Russia and the changes in their domestic situations, only through maintaining sincerity and mutual trust will the two countries be able to avoid and eliminate mutual misgivings and misunderstandings and continue to strengthen their ties.

  For the issue of how to sustain and increase strategic mutual trust between the two countries, first, it is important to depend upon the untiring efforts and open communication between the leaders of the two countries; second, setting up appropriate and effective strategic consultation mechanisms; third, strictly abiding by the various provisions of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, taking them as the legal norms of the bilateral relations; fourth, increasing the mutual understanding and communication between the two nations as much as possible and broadening the social basis of bilateral mutual trust; fifth, conscientiously rejecting the so-called “China threat theory”, seeing clearly the damage it might bring upon Sino-Russian relations and working hard to boost trust and reduce the negative impact of the theory.

  In addition to strengthening political mutual trust, the two nations should continuously increase mutual trust in security. One of the important features of Sino-Russian relations is that the two nations see each other as partners and cooperators in security and, on the basis of solidarity and mutual assistance, develop partnerships in security cooperation between them. The following factors determine the basic orientation and characteristics of Sino-Russian cooperation in security.

  First, the principle of non-confrontation must be observed in Sino-Russian relations. In other words, neither side should use force or the threat of force in their relations, nor should they use economic sanctions or other means of pressure against each other; solving differences between them through peaceful means; undertaking not to use nuclear weapons first and not to train strategic nuclear missiles on the other side; devoting themselves jointly to making their border peaceful and prosperous.

  Secondly, the development of their friendly and cooperative relations should not be directed at any third country. In other words, their bilateral military and military technological cooperation should not be targeted at a third country; each of the two nations should not join any alliance or bloc which harms the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the other side; neither of the two sides will allow a third country to use its territory to impair the national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the other side; neither of the two sides will permit the establishment on its territory of an organization or gang which will damage the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the other side and will ban such activities; if one of the two sides is subjected to the threat of aggression, both sides will immediately conduct contacts and consultations to eliminate this threat.

  Thirdly, cooperation is the key orientation of the security between the two countries. The two sides will step up their cooperation in combating the “three forces” of terrorism, separatism and extremism and conduct various anti-terrorism exercises. The two countries will continue combating criminal activities including organized crime and illegal trafficking of narcotics, illegal substances and weapons, striking at illicit immigration and propelling the healthy development of mechanisms of regional security cooperation. Confronted with the challenges of the “three forces”, China and Russia should step up the activities of their anti-terrorism working teams, regularly convening meetings and expanding its functions to deal with the new threats and challenges.

  III. Deepening Economic Cooperation and Trade as Top Priority for the Development of Bilateral Relations 

  Economic and trade cooperation is the most crucial sector for the development of Sino-Russian relations. Chinese and Russian business leaders and scholars have a common view that the economic and trade relations of the two countries do not match and are not in line with their political relations. Some scholars even consider “the political relations warm and economic relations cool.” In fact, in the twenty year history of Sino-Russian ties, political relations have all along developed steadily, scaling a new height in each step, but economic and trade cooperation has remained relatively stagnant. In other words, enthusiasm for economic and trade cooperation was not fully manifested in the relatively relaxed and friendly political atmosphere.

  What were the reasons which led to this situation? Did the governments of the two nations attach adequate importance to it? It may be seen from the meetings of the two heads of state and government leaders that the two sides placed great importance on the issue of economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia, considering it a significant area of cooperation. The Sino-Russian Joint Statement of 1992 had explicit stipulations on economic and trade cooperation and set forth very important and concrete principles and suggestions for bilateral economic and trade cooperation. The statement stressed that the two countries would maintain and develop their bilateral cooperation in the economic and trade area on the basis of the principles of equality and mutual benefit. The key points were; one, that the governments of the two nations should create favorable conditions for trade ties between the two countries, regional trade ties and trade ties between enterprises, organizations and entrepreneurs; two, China and Russia would push forward mutual cooperation in the economic and financial sectors; three, ten cooperation areas of important significance to the two nations were identified; four, new forms of economic cooperation would be encouraged, in particular cooperation in investment and the establishment of joint ventures.

  In 1994, the joint statement of the two countries advanced a four-point proposal in regard to economic and trade cooperation. In view of the problems in their bilateral trade at the time, the two countries emphasized that their economic relations should gradually conform to international standards and unfold, as a priority, with cooperation in law, finance, credit, communications, information and other areas. The joint statement put forward the suggestion in a timely manner to increase the amount of cooperation in major projects and paid attention to regional cooperation between the two nations. Later, at their meetings, the two heads of state took economic and trade cooperation as a key topic of their talks. The governments of the two countries even compiled important cooperation documents such as the Sino-Russian Economic and Trade Development Plan (2006-2010).

  What then is the cause of this economic foundering? Have entrepreneurs not made adequate efforts? Such a conclusion cannot be drawn from facts. Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation has its own laws. The governments, entrepreneurs and scholars of the two countries should jointly probe the major issues, looking at their economic structure, the transformation of their economic development modes and their respective international interests. Through such considerations, both sides should be more able to develop economic and trade cooperation on the basis of the principles of equality and mutual benefit and in accordance with economic laws. At the same time, the two countries should encourage the enthusiasm of the state, businesses and individuals in order to raise the level of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, improving the scale and quality of such cooperation.

  In-depth economic cooperation constitutes the material foundation of the sustained development of Sino-Russian relations. How to unfold close, high-quality, high-level and in-depth economic cooperation has been a focal point of attention between the two nations, whether amongst government or business leaders. During his visit to Russia in 2011, President Hu Jintao essentially stated that China and Russia are economic powers building market economies, and that their strategic partnership and economic cooperation has vast potential. Both sides should make use of their own advantages in an all-round manner, increasing the bilateral trade volume, elevating cooperation quality leveling order to achieve a high-quality and rapid bilateral economic and trade development. In ten years, the two countries will further deepen their mutually-beneficial cooperation in investment, energy, aviation, aeronautics, science and technology, as well as other areas.

  From 1992 to 1998, Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation witnessed fluctuations. From 1992 to 2001, the bilateral trade volume reached $10 billion. After 1999, bilateral trade has undertaken a trend of swift development. From 2002 to 2005, trade volume went up 1.73 times, approaching $30 billion. In 2009, under the impact of the international economic and financial crisis, Sino-Russian trade volume, mutual investment and border trade have all experienced a downturn. Both sides nonetheless adopted a series of measures to push forward bilateral trade despite the unfavorable conditions. First, conditions were created for commodities and services of both sides to enter the market of the other side; second, in view of the symptoms of trade and technology barriers, the two countries reached consensus to reduce and eliminate the existing trade and technology barriers; third, the mutual supply of traditional export commodities, including mechanical and electrical and high-tech products, were increased and the categories of commodities expanded; fourth, the two countries were encouraged to provide financing for trade, financial and banking instruments were used actively, and border trade and tourism was developed to create conditions for the expansion of settlement in renminbi and ruble; fifth, previously agreed upon pilot projects of mutual investment were carried out, and a plan for a forestry processing area was formulated and implemented, boosting regional cooperation. By 2010, bilateral trade was restored to a certain extent and it presented a trend of fast increase. China became the largest trade partner of Russia and the total bilateral trade volume amounted to $55.45 billion, a 43.1% growth from the previous year. From 2011 to 2020, China and Russia will further expand bilateral trade, seeking to make bigger breakthroughs in the field of economic cooperation and striving to increase the bilateral trade volume to $100 billion by 2015 and $200 billion in 2020.

  The two countries will enhance their comprehensive cooperation in energy. The Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation by 2030 adopted in 2009 stipulates that the share of the Asian-Pacific market in the Russian energy exports will go up steadily and become a growth spot in the development of the Russian energy industry. Sino-Russian cooperation in energy enjoys great potential and highly favorable conditions. First, the energy supply-demand structure of the two nations is highly complementary. Russia boasts rich energy resources whereas China is a country whose energy demand is rapidly increasing. The supplier and demander are thus complementary, meaning that there should be no competition in the energy supply-demand structure of the two countries. Second, China and Russia are neighbors with a common border, a factor that provides convenient geographical conditions for direct transport of energy between the two sides. Third, their strategic partnership of coordination offers sound political conditions for their cooperation in energy.

  In the realm of energy cooperation, bolstering cooperation in the petroleum and natural gas area will help facilitate overall cooperation between the two countries, raising the overall level of bilateral economic cooperation, consolidating the material foundation of the bilateral strategic partnership of coordination and the mutual agreement of the interests of the peoples of the two countries. The two countries will thus continue their strategic cooperation in the petroleum and natural gas sector. In 2010, President Medvedev remarked at the ceremony marking the completion of the Sino-Russian oil pipe that the project “has consolidated strategic partnership and coordination between our two countries” and “is a mutually-beneficial project oriented to the future [that] will bring about good to the two nations.”

  Cooperation in the natural gas area is likewise an important dimension of Sino-Russian energy cooperation. Although the two countries signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Natural Gas Sector in 2009, they are still undertaking intensive negotiations with regards to how this cooperation bears upon their core economic and strategic interests. Both sides must have full communication, open talks, and the time to undertake repeated assessments. Such a situation reflects the equal and mutually beneficial nature of Sino-Russian bilateral ties. Seeking interest convergence as much as possible is the basis for launching relevant cooperation. Moreover, the two sides will expand cooperation in the areas of nuclear power, coal, electricity, and new energies and technologies. Overall, their bilateral cooperation in nuclear energy is proceeding smoothly at present. In 2009, the heads of state of the two nations emphasized that cooperation in the nuclear energy area would continue; they also initiated phase-II of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant as well as the construction of a commercial pilot fast reactor. In 2009 the two nations signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Coal Sector.

  The deepened and comprehensive cooperation in the energy sector fully embodies the Sino-Russian strategic partnership of coordination. The heads of state of the two countries suggested in the joint statement on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation that the two countries should build up strategic and long-term partnership in energy on the basis of mutual benefit. The all-round promotion of cooperation in the petroleum, natural gas, nuclear and electricity areas complies with the requirement of Sino-Russian strategic partnership of coordination and the basic interests of the peoples of the two countries.

  The Sino-Russian Outline Plan on Investment Cooperation approved by the two heads of state in June 2009 is of important realistic significance. The governments of China and Russia have guided their enterprises towards cooperation in mechanical manufacturing, communication technology, telecommunications, banking, insurance, innovation and development of applied sciences, chemicals, forestry, mining, regional cooperation and other areas. Conferences on investment promotion between the two nations have been further improved, playing a large role in bilateral economic ties. The above outline plan has been actively implemented and the investment environment has improved. The two sides have further developed their domestic financial markets, supported quoted transactions of the renminbi and the ruble to create favorable conditions for bilateral settlement in their national currencies and growth of bilateral trade and investment. The scope of mutual investment has constantly broadened and the quality and level of Sino-Russian cooperation in mutual investment has gradually grown. During President Hu Jintao’s visit to Russia in 2009, both sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on the Promotion of Bilateral Trade and Cooperation in Mechanical and Electrical Products. They also signed the Framework Agreement between the Export and Import Bank of China and the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs of Russia on a $700 Million Loan. And lastly, they signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the China National Gold Group Corporation and Renova Group of Russia on Cooperation in Joint Development of Precious Metals to expand mutual cooperation in investment. President Medvedev observed, “We should consider how to strengthen cooperation in investment to consolidate bilateral cooperation, enable the two countries to ward off crisis, solve various problems and start up joint production.”

  If the two countries adhere to the win-win principle, they will continue to consolidate the economic basis of their bilateral relations. In the process of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, it is essential to probe new channels and new patterns of cooperation and look for more interest-converging points in a timely manner. China and Russia need to tackle the complex and changeable international economic situation in the post-international financial crisis period; improve their bilateral trade structure and continually standardize and change the pattern of bilateral trade growth; expand trade in mechanical and electrical and high-tech products, focusing on putting up a modern logistics and trade platform and network system; step up exchanges of experience in building up special economic zones; boost cooperation in the area of intellectual property rights protection; and deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation in the civil aviation manufacturing sector.

  In the coming decade, China and Russia should further cooperate to tackle key projects in fundamental and crucial high-tech areas and frontier technologies and energetically

  industrialize their research achievements. In view of the lack of funding in addressing scientific and technological obstacles, both sides should make full use of loans for the projects of cooperation in the scientific and technological research and high-tech R&D areas. The scientific and technological research institutions of the two nations should jointly carry out large scientific and technological innovation projects.

  IV. Building a Borderland of Common Development and Prosperity 

  China and Russia, abiding by the principle of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, progressively resolved the border problems that beset the peoples of the two nations for generations. This is a major symbol of the constantly increasing strategic trust between the two countries and an outstanding achievement in the history of bilateral ties. Numerous scholars see the resolution of the Sino-Russian border problem as an example in resolving historical disputes among states after the end of the Cold War. Since the resolution of the border problem, China and Russia respect the principle of international law that boundaries are inviolable, harbor no territorial claims on each other and strive to make their border one of lasting peace and friendship for generations. Both sides have made great efforts to boost military confidence in the border regions and mutually cut back military forces along the border.

  Currently the Sino-Russian border remains one that is a transparent, tranquil and friendly. Still, it is essential to increase its significance and create greater values. The governmental and business circles of the two countries are energetically taking action for this purpose, trying to turn the long and peaceful border to one of common prosperity and affluence so as to achieve the common development of the border regions of the two countries and benefit the people on both sides of the border.

  In the coming decade, Sino-Russian cooperation in the economic and trade area must actively implement the Outline Plan on Sino-Russian regional cooperation and accelerate the economic development of the border regions of the two countries. Coordinating the development strategies of the contiguous regions of the two nations is conducive to speeding up the development of the regional economies of the two countries.

  China and Russia worked hard in drafting the Outline Plan for Regional Cooperation between northeastern China and the eastern Siberian regions of Russia. In 2008, the heads of state of the two nations instructed the relevant departments to complete consultations on and the drafting of the above outline plan. In 2009, the two countries made breakthroughs in regional cooperation. The Outline Plan on Sino-Russian regional cooperation organically connected the Revival Plan of the Northeast Region of China and the Economic and Social Development Strategy of the Far East and Baikal Region of Russia before 2025 and identified nearly one hundred development projects, showcasing the mutual benefit and win-win strategies of the two nations. The coordination of the development strategies of the contiguous regions by the two countries was the product of mutual strategic trust and mutual strategic interdependence in their bilateral relations, as well as being a symbol and concrete expression of their deepening bilateral relations. This complies with the interests of the Chinese and Russian people — particularly the people of the border regions — and is conducive to improving cooperation forms for the contiguous regions and raising the tiers and levels of cooperation.

  The Outline Plan is rich in content, but the crux of the matter lies in implementation by the two parties. It is essential for the Outline Plan to further improve with ongoing changes in the situation. In 2009, the heads of states of the two countries suggested that necessary adjustments be made in the list of projects of regional cooperation in compliance with the two countries’ social and economic development strategies.

  In the relevant agreements and joint statements adopted in recent years by the two nations, cooperation in environmental protection is a subject that is frequently touched upon. Sino-Russian cooperation in this field has witnessed fast development and become an important component of their strategic partnership. In 2005, the water pollution accident on the Songhua River in China aroused a great deal of attention between the two countries. This accident served as a warning to the security of the trans-boundary waters of the Sino-Russian contiguous regions and offered opportunities for cooperation. Bilateral cooperation in the rational use and protection of trans-boundary waters is becoming more and more regular, including joint monitoring of the quality of trans-boundary waters, timely briefing on the eruption of trans-boundary environmental accidents and the exchange of relevant information. The two countries are frequently cooperating in order to maintain ecological diversity and trans-boundary natural reserves. Bilateral cooperation in the use and protection of trans-boundary water resources requires the support of both countries’ governments. The two sides signed relevant government agreements and set up the Sino-Russian Joint Commission on the Rational Utilization and Protection of Trans-boundary Waters, a document which uniformly addresses issues related to the use and protection of the trans-boundary water resources of the two nations.

  Recently the joint development of Heixiazi Island by local governments of China and Russia has grabbed widespread attention. This is an important strong point in the unfolding of cooperation of the two nations. In September 2009, the Khabarovsk Krai in Russia and Heilongjiang Province in China signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Development of Heixiazi Island to promote further cooperation in the border regions of the two countries. On July 2, 2010, President Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Communications of Russia to design a communications infrastructure on Heixiazi Island. In November 2010, the prime ministers of the two nations met and signed the Summary Statement of the 15th Regular Meeting of the Prime Ministers of China and Russia and announced the comprehensive development of Heixiazi Island. On January 12, 2011, the governor of Khabarovsk Krai approved the Scheme on the Comprehensive Development of Heixiazi Island (2010— 2016) and that Russia would appropriate 19 billion rubles for the development of a tourism belt on the island. In this way, the Sino-Russian joint development of Heixiazi Island has officially begun.

  History proves that Sino-Russian relations have withstood numerous tests. The consolidation of their bilateral friendship, good-neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation accords with the fundamental interest of the two peoples and is conducive to maintaining peace, security and stability in Asia and the wider world. Faced with new and profound changes in the international political and economic climate, as well as the constantly developing strategic objectives of the two countries, it is necessary for both countries to tap the potential of their strategic partnership of coordination and broaden the intentions of their bilateral relations in order to enable the bilateral ties to develop in a sound, stable and sustained manner.

  Xing Guangcheng is Deputy Director and Research Fellow at the Research Center for Chinese Borderland History and Geography, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.