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来源:《俄罗斯研究》2011年第2期 2016年04月11日



  十年后的展望——关于上海合作组织未来定位与空间的思考 冯绍雷 


  俄联邦的俄罗斯帝国传统——关于认识后苏联文学的方法论问题 林精华 

  19世纪高加索战争的文学再现——以莱蒙托夫和列·托尔斯泰的行旅和创作为例 刘亚丁 

  大高加索的危机与俄罗斯——“五日战争”之结果及影响 谢尔盖·马尔科多诺夫 

  俄罗斯地缘政治构想与异化的格俄关系 马尔哈兹·马茨阿别利泽 

  武力抑或外交政策工具?——评俄罗斯对格鲁吉亚战争的官方话语 罗伊·埃里森 


  苏联对战后经济重建的思考——迈斯基关于战后英、美经济政策的报告 崔海智 

  论1929—1933年经济危机对苏美关系的影响 曹广金 

  关于苏联、民族国家与“人”—“地”关系的对话 施展、冯绍雷 

  俄罗斯大事记 胡彦 


No.2, 2011



  Feng Shaolei 

  Prospects after Ten Years of the SCO's Establishment —— On the SCO's Future Orientation and Space

  Lin Jinghua 

  Russian Imperial Tradition of the Russian Federation —— Understanding the Methodology of Post-Soviet Literature

  Liu Yading 

  Literary Representation of Caucasus War of the 19th Century —— Taking the Traveling and Literary Creation of Lermontov and Leo Tolstoy as the Example

  Sergey Markedonov 

  Crisis of the Great Caucasus and Russia —— Results and Influences of "Five-Day War"

  Malkhaz Matsaberidze 

  The Russian Geopolitical Conceptions and Metamorphosis of the Georgian-Russian Polations

  Roy Allison 

  Military Force as a Foreign policy Instrument? Examining the Official Russian Discourse on the Campaign in Georgia

  Cui Haizhi 

  Perspectives of the Soviet Union on Postwar Western Economic Reconstruction —— Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky's Reports on Postwar British and American Economic Policies

  Cao Guangjin 

  On the Impact of 1929-1933 Economic Crisis on Soviet-American Relations

  Shi Zhan & Feng Shaolei 

  Dialogue on the Soviet Union, Nation-States and Relationship between "Nation" and "Ntrritory"