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来源:《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》2015年第6期 2016年04月06日

  Preliminary Analysis of Political Transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina    Gao Ge

  Compared with other Central and Eastern European countries,political transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina has its own characteristics:firstly,political transition has beenguided by the international community;Secondly,the design of the political system follows after “consociational democracy” model.International guiding and the “synergistic democracy” facilitated opening,protecting and promoting the process of transformation in Bosnia.Meanwhile they also to some extent went against Bosnian integration,national integration and national identity.There are still some problems in political system operation of Bosnia even after 20-year transformation.Also,its political outlook is full of many uncertainties.

  International Governance And Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina    Zuo Ya

  The Dayton Agreement of 1995 opened up a new era of peace and development for Bosnia and Herzegovina,it also formed a state with nonfull-functionunder various international supervision and control.The United Nations,the United States,the EU,the World Bank and other major international actors have participated,by various ways,in postwar Bosnia's governance in seeking to promote the Bosnian peace consolidation and democratic transition.Based on the analysis of the modes of mediation of crisis,postwar governance by international actors,author points out that Bosnia's political landscape didn't change fundamentally,national reconciliation still is on the midway and national security is still fragile after 20years of the Dayton Agreement.

  Economic Development and Problems In Bosnia and Herzegovina After Dayton Agreement    Bao Hongzheng and Xu Gang

  Since the end of the Bosnian war in 1995 Bosnia's economy has been in a complicated state:economic growthis positive,but the drive of growth is weak.National contradiction and the political impasse cut apart an unified economic space in Bosnia and put privatization,the fundamental economic reform,on the halfway,and affected the business environment,employment,and financial situation.Because the national and political situation is difficult to improve in the short term,Bosnian economic recovery and further growth will be weak and unsustainable.

  The World Bank and Reconstruction in Bosniaand Herzegovina    Zhu Xiaozhong

  Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina after signing the Dayton Agreement is a typical case of international assistance to post-conflict reconstruction.The World Bank has played an important rolein designing economic recovery and reconstruction,coordinating relations between various actors and mobilizing the external finance for post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina.The World Bank's special function and its positive activity laid a solid foundation for subsequent rebuilding in Bosnia

  The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Challenges and Opportunities of the SCO Enlargement    Li Jinfeng

  Enlargement of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is both a big opportunity and a serious challenge.Different opinions between China and Russia on the SCO development resulted in difficult economic integration within the SCO,on the one hand,the United States and other western countries are wary of SCO,on the other.The SCO should to get rid of the competition between China and Russia in Central Asia through the enlargement,promote the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and manage to connect it with the Eurasian Economic Union,set up an interactive mechanism among China,Russia and India and turn challenges into opportunities.

  State and Societyin Social Organization Activities during the? Soviet New Economic Policy period    Huang Lifu

  Relations between state and society are the main issue in sociology and political science.During the Soviet New Economic Policy,the traditional “voluntary organization” continue to exist,at the same time a new “national-leading” organization,namely“help the Soviet regime organization”,was created by the official initiative.They constituted the coexistence of dual structure of “nationalism” and “civil socialism” .The author believes that “help the similar organization” is not specific to the Soviet Union,they also exist in China,Eastern European countries such as Czechoslovakia during socialist era,and even in contemporary America.Their activities,with almost similar nature,are to help government.

  Russian Social Self-governing Organization:the History and Reality    Ma Qiang

  In contemporary Russia,a series of moral anomie,caused by social transformation and social problems,should be solved.The possible solving method for that is through social self-governing organizationto to realize social organic unity.In history,social self-governing organization was widespread and it was a positive factor for reaching social solidarity and meeting the social needs.But today,Russian society is at low level ofself-governance,nonprofit organizations are weak.This indicated that there are many institutional obstacles social self-governing organization are facing in the context of the abnormal state-society relations.However,there is the will of the self-organizing,and as the network developed,social self-governing organization have more possibility in Russian society.

  China and Russia Co-construct the Belt and Road    Zhao Huirong

  Russia is an important factor but not a necessary conditionin construction of the Belt and Road.Russian official positive statement is a precondition for common building B&R.Sino-Russia's efforts have both feasibility and difficulties.This situation requires China to have more dialogue and cooperation with Russia,while to do same thing with other commonwealth of independent states,using the platform of the SCO to connect B&R with the Eurasian Economic Union and making a dialogue with Europe,the United States and other international organizations.