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"East European, Russian & Central Asian Studies", Number 6, 1998, CONTENTS
Editorial Department 来源:"East European, Russian & Central Asian Studies", Number 6, 1998

      The Main Problem and Historical Lessons of the Soviet Union in the Brezhnev Period Chen Zhihua(3)

      Deep Causes of the Drastic Change of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Viewed from the Perspective of the Evolution of the Philosophy of the Soviet Union-A Brief Introduction of the Book"The Evolution of the Philosophy of the Soviet Union (1917-1953-1991)" Jia Zelin(15)

      How has the Russian Bureaucrat-capitalist Class been Formed? Dong Xiaoyang(21)

      Three "Whys" in the Development of Left-wing Political Parties in East European Countries after the Drastic Changes-A Preliminary Analysis of the Development of the Left-wing PartiesGao Ge(27)

      The Prospects for the Development of the Left-wing Socialist Movement in the Former Soviet and East European States Jiang Rui(36)

      The Mistaken Areas in the Reform of the Political Structure in Former Yugoslavia Liu Tiancai(40)

      The Fuel and Power Complexes in the Russian Far East in the Transitional Period Qi Wenhai(45)

      The Characteristics and Functions of the Development of the Small-and Medium-sized Economies in Transition-Experiences and Enlightenment of the Central and Eastern EuropeCui Hongwei(51)

      Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership in the Foreign Policy Strategies of the Chinese Leadership Zheng Yushuo(59)

      "Struggle between Big Powers" in Central Asia and the Issue of Regional Security Sun Zhuangzhi(68)

      The Development and Deepening of the Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the Central Asian States Yao Qinhua,Pan Guang, Yu Jianhua,Ding Peihua(74)

      The Change and Impact of the Policy concerning Rich Peasant in the USSR from the End of the 1920s to the Beginning of the 1930sWu Zukun, Wang Xueyan(82)